
Neighbor to Neighbor: Night Out Against Crime more than just a good time

By Barbara Morris

Most people like a good party.

When we were little ones, we were content to hang a blanket or sheet on the fence, tie the other end to the back of a kitchen chair or two, and scoot under there with a peanut butter sandwich and a friend, and that was it! Of course, we had cake and ice cream for our birthdays, but during the Great Depression days, celebrations like that were limited to family only.

On Aug. 1, we celebrated National Night Out Against Crime 2000, a national event that always takes place the first Tuesday in August, rain or shine. This year we were blessed; the rain that had inundated us many days before, gave us a welcome respite that was perfectly timed. Unfortunately, the clouds that hung low and were very threatening, probably kept some of our potential guests at home. We had anticipated double the attendance we had, but those who did attend were the greatest of guests and seemed to be enjoying themselves as much as we did ourselves. (Our Dad used to say,