
To The Point: Meaning of Christmas should be remembered

By Sabina Cardali

Congratulations to David DeTourris and his wife on the birth of their son on Dec. 11 at Long Island Jewish Hospital. He will also be named David. This will bring back old memories, as I was there when David Sr. was a boy and watched him grow up and I even was his CCD teacher. Best wishes to the happy family.

Condolences to the family of Grace Denarais. Speedy recovery to Harriet Cootz Speedy recovery to Catherine Bair, as well as belated birthday wishes. A very Happy Birthday to Helen Bannietis. Continued speedy recovery to Gabriella Gennario. Continued get-well wishes to Jean Solowiei.

A successful endeavor by Greta Hruska and Councilman Mike Abel in gettng a school crossing guard for the St. Paul's School.

Anchor Lodge had a great Christmas party, which was enjoyed by their families.

A very Happy Birthday to Artie Ferony, Nicholas Ferony, Elsa Abreu and to Steve Abreu. Artie Ferony's birthday was on Dec. 8 and his son Nicholas' birthday was Dec. 10 – they almost could have blown out the candles together!

What wonderful holiday happenings with the lighting of the Christmas tree on College Point Boulevard and the Christmas lights and carols, as you shop. And the first real live Nativity in College Point.

Check your medicine cabinets immediately, as the following have been pulled off the market for safety: Lotronex, Propulsid, Rezulin, Trovan, Rotashield, Posicor, Duract, Reduo, Seldane, Hismanal, Raxar. If you have questions, please call your doctor.

With the next group of elections and campaigns ready to get in full swing, it is important that all factual items are given about the people who are running. Of course, if they have been in office, it is easy to check on the facts but if they are new, make sure any question that you may have is answered with the facts. Your everyday living depends on a good government.

Education seems to have fallen by the wayside. We can't allow this to happen. Education gives children the resources that will endure as long as life. Advanced, innovative curriculum for elementary and middle school, computers, language, music and art, competitive sports, extra-curricular activities are all extremely important. Also essential are effective teachers, state licensed and fully certified. Charter schools have failed in many states. We need good public schools.

SABINA SAYS…This Christmas, let us go back in history in our thoughts and join the shepherds.

As Bethlehem's meaning becomes more evident to us, so also must our realization of the response we must give to this event within our lives.

Bethlehem is not just something that happened 2,000 years ago and is finished. It is not something we look at and then turn away from. It is something we must live. In our lives, in the circumstances in which we live, we need to respond to Bethlehem's full meaning.

We must smooth out the land made rough by mounds of prejudice, self-deception and self-esteem.

I extend to you all, a Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukkah, and a New Year filled with every blessing.