
Midville Dodgers to hold open tryouts Saturday in Glendale

The Midville Dodgers Baseball Clubs will hold indoor tryouts for the 2003 season Saturday at the Atlas Terminal, 8000 Cooper Avenue (Building No. 27) in Glendale. Serious-minded ballplayers seeking 50 plus games this summer are encouraged to attend.

The Midville Dodgers play in the top leagues in the Metropolitan area and prepare high school players for college baseball scholarships. The teams also travel to out of state tournaments including — for the last seven years — the USABF tournament in San Diego, Calif.

This season the Midville Dodgers will award a limited number of full and partial summer scholarships with expenses paid for qualified players.

Scheduled tryout times are as follows:

10 a.m.: Freshmen Division 13 and under (players born on or after Aug. 1, 1989). Coach Steve Contino 718-641-8552

Sophomore Division 14 and under (players born on or after Aug. 1988). Coach Anthony Macchirole 718- 429-0422 or 718-672-1889

1 p.m.: Junior Division 15- and 16-year-olds (players born on or after Aug. 1, 1986). Coach William Schindler 718-446-6454

3 p.m.: Senior Division 17- and 18-year-olds (players born on or after Aug. 1, 1984). Coach Greg Bianchini 718-805-3784

College Team — The Midville Dodgers are also planning a college team, ages 18 to 23. Players wishing to register can call 718-651-5865 and leave their name and phone number.

For more information and directions call 718-651-5865 or e-mail JuniperC@aol.com