
Bronxwood Home fulfills administrator

By Jon Minners

Betty Bonta knows the ordeal residents of Southern Mississippi are going through. Having lived through a hurricane in the Virgin Islands herself, the administrator at Bronxwood Home for the Aged lost everything and through the kindness of others was able to build a life for herself again in the Bronx. Now, she is asking residents to help her fulfill a dream of her own and help her give back to those in need, still suffering from the effects of Hurricane Katrina.

Bonta, who is about to turn 72, has always wanted to drive a tractor trailer and now after taking lessons, she is looking to drive the trailer loaded with furniture and other household items to victims in southern Mississippi who are still struggling to rebuild their lives after the hurricane hit in mid-August. Those donated items, she says, will come from concerned residents looking to give back as the New Year begins.