
How’s Business?: Poop Patrol cleans up

By Joseph Palumbo III

As the saying goes, “it's a dirty job, but someone has to do it,” but what if that someone doesn't have to be you? The Poop Patrol Dog Waste Remove Services makes a dog owner's life a lot easier with complete cleanup and removal of canine waste from yards and dog runs. We all know that dog feces are not only foul smelling, but can also pose a serious health hazard. Parasites such as round worms can be transmitted from dog feces, so coming in contact with soil that is contaminated with dog feces could infect those who come in contact with parasite eggs. Children run the greatest risk because they are always putting their hands to their mouth and eyes, but a simple Frisbee or ball game in the park possibly can put us at risk. Of course the age old question is: “How much?” Poop Patrol fees can run $9 a week for one dog and $3 for each additional dog. The Poop Patrol offers weekly yard cleanup for dog owners with monthly rates available.So How's Business in regard to the Poop Patrol? The Poop Patrol eliminates the most unpleasant part of owning man's and woman's best buddy. It also gives us one less thing to do on a given day at a relatively nominal price. You can visit the Poop Patrol online at www.pooppatrolny.com or call them at (866) 750-POOP. Reach Joseph J. Palumbo III at (516) 248-0256 or visit www.palcogroup.com.