
If it Ain’t Broke …

The bureaucrats and attorneys at the city Department of Education have come up with a brainless proposal in a misguided effort to bring equality to girls’ high school soccer. If it does not come to its senses, this will be the last year girls’ soccer is played in the spring.

The plan is to make girls’ soccer a fall sport. It came about as a response to a threat by three female soccer players to sue the city. The girls claim that by playing in the fall, the boys’ soccer players have better college recruitment opportunities.

The disadvantages of making girls’ soccer a fall sport outweigh the benefits. Talented players will be recognized whether they play in the spring or fall. This is true with soccer just as it is in baseball and track.

But moving girls’ soccer to the fall will create a practical nightmare for the city public high schools. Most, if not all, of the schools have one field for soccer, football and sometimes lacrosse. If the season is changed, four teams, including varsity and junior varsity, will be competing for the same fields.