
Candidates should not take public money

As reported, I have declined to take taxpayer public matching funds for my City Council campaign for Councilwoman Melinda Katz’s (D-Forest Hills) seat. Taxpayer dollars should not go toward political campaigns during these times of economic crisis, so I opted out of the program. I believe taxpayer dollars should go toward senior centers, police officers and other services that benefit our community.

One of the other candidates, Lynn Schulman, has decided to take taxpayer’s public money for her campaign, but in the July 9 Forest Hills Ledger article “Race for Katz seat heats up,” she implies I am being self-serving.

How does refusing to take taxpayer money render someone self-interested or -motivatedi Perhaps in Shulman’s world it makes sense to use public money for her own political purposes when senior centers are closing and schools are overcrowded. That is being self-serving.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg recently instituted a hiring freeze and the police and firefighter classes have been postponed. Nonprofit centers that provide critical services to our community are not sure if they will have enough money to survive.

All candidates should try to help our city. I am running for the Council to help and serve the people of the community I grew up in, have donated countless hours volunteering for and love. My decision to not take taxpayers’ funding for my campaign is based on what I believe is fair and beneficial to our community.

Heidi Harrison Chain

City Council Candidate

Forest Hills