
Readers’ letter a scare tactic

I would like to respond to the July 30 letter from Bob Friedrich and Bob Ricken (“Council bill will ruin affordable co-op and condo housing”).

I have a problem with the statement that “These decisions are best made by an elected board of directors,” etc., and not by a city bureaucrat.

If there is a safety problem, such as loose and possibly falling bricks, does the same rule apply? Do they have to not listen to a city bureaucrat or, perhaps, an insurance bureaucrat?

Talk about scare tactics. They mention $5 million. Is that the cost of each thing they recommend you fix? Can I get some of those contracts?

This is not to say I even know enough about the subject to say whether it is good or bad.

But statements like “this bill will kill the goose that laid the golden egg” remind me of the talking points of those who are against health care reform.

Jerrold Schreibersdorf
