
Worth Preserving

Readers fortunate enough to have attended the 1964 World’s Fair will understand why we are elated with the decision announced last week to make the New York State Pavilion an official state landmark. The crumbling edifice of concrete and steel is a reminder of the greatest moments in Queens history.

The state Board of Historic Preservation agreed to give the building landmark status “in spite of its current condition.” Now it is eligible for grants.

The structures created for the fair are beginning to crumble. They were built to be temporary, but the spirit, hope and excitement generated by that marvelous World’s Fair have endured.

The fair took place before the dawn of the personal computer and cell phone. We enjoy technology today that was not dreamed of then. But the larger dream of a world of peace has yet to be realized. Like the Unisphere nearby, the Pavilion reminds us of that dream.