
Count all ballots in Padavan−Gennaro race

No one is denying the fact that state Sen. Frank Padavan (R−Bellerose) has served his community faithfully for 36 years, but for the first time in those 36 years, Democrats are in the majority of the Senate.

Clearly, Senate District 11 would be better served if filled by a Democrat. City Councilman Jim Gennaro (D−Fresh Meadows) would be better able to deliver the funding and get the bills passed that would better our community.

For this reason, we must make sure every vote is counted. There are about 2,000 paper ballots remaining to be counted. Padavan and the Republicans are constantly putting forward challenges in court to try to stop this counting. At the same time, the Republicans and Padavan’s supporters are criticizing the Democrats for seeking all votes to be counted.

I always believed that in the United States, all votes should count. We saw how the votes of students and new voters were challenged by the Republican Party in the November election. Next time, who knows whose votes they would decide should not count?

From what I understand, northeast Queens not having a state senator lies with the challenging of certain ballots, not the desire to have all votes inspected carefully. Padavan must also assume responsibility for the current delay. There should be only one side to this story: Everyone’s vote should be counted in this crucial election.

Barbara Leonardi


North Shore Towers Shareholders Association

Floral Park