
New deputy inspector in charge of 109th Pct.

New deputy inspector in charge of 109th Pct.
By Connor Adams Sheets

There’s a new man at the helm of the 109th Precinct after Deputy Inspector Matthew Whelan departed for a new post in Manhattan.

Brian Maguire, who previously served as the commanding officer for Transit Bureau District 1, spent his first day as deputy inspector of the 109th May 5.

“He seems like a really great guy and he’s really looking forward to being at the 109th Precinct and meeting the community and fighting crime,” said Chrissy Voskerichian, president of the 109th community council. “He seems excited and really into it.”

Maguire has been with the NYPD for 24 years. He was an officer in the 110th Precinct in Elmhurst earlier in his career.

Whelan, who served all reaches of the 109th community, which includes downtown Flushing, East Flushing, Queensboro Hill, College Point, Malba, Whitestone, Beechhurst and Bay Terrace, planned to attend this week’s 109th Community Council meeting to say his goodbyes.

“DI Whelan was with the 109th Precinct for 3 1/2 years and worked diligently to ensure the safety and highest quality of life for all of us,” Voskerichian said via e-mail.

Whelan is taking over as commanding officer at the 19th Precinct in Manhattan’s Upper East Side. Maguire was replaced at Transit Bureau District 1, which covers the No. 7 train to Flushing among other transportation lines, by Capt. Raymond Porteus.

Police said they could not provide any further information about Maguire as of Tuesday afternoon, and he was not available for interviews.

Reach reporter Connor Adams Sheets by e-mail at csheets@cnglocal.com or by phone at 718-260-4538.