
Rich want to kill working poor

It’s war! The wealthiest Americans are orchestrating a war between private and public sector employees. First, our jobs are sent to China and Mexico. Whole towns are devastated and the tax base gutted. The owners and the corporations move their accounts off-shore and pay no taxes. The Republicans turn billion-dollar surpluses into trillion-dollar deficits, deregulate the banks and fund two wars with blood but not money.

The richest 1 percent has more than the other 99 percent, while 50 million Americans are without health insurance. The Walton family has more money than the bottom 40 percent of our people combined by selling goods manufactured by non-union labor in China and sold by non-union, low-paid labor in the United States. Our quality of life has declined, poverty has increased and hope has evaporated.

But all this misery is not enough. Now taxpayers have to be pitted against their neighbors. The private sector has to participate in a race to the bottom with public workers. Class envy has to mean that the worker with benefits be taken down to relieve the misery of the worker without. Brotherhood, sisterhood, freedom of association and any sense of community must cease.

Yes, we are one of the riches nations on earth, but the money is hoarded by the fat few, the patriots for profit. The wealth that we created has been redistributed from Main Street to Wall Street. That’s right, it is our money and belongs to all of us collectively. These worker-hating suits will not be satisfied as long as there is one proud and dignified worker standing.

Katherine Lynch
