
GOP ticket lost over bad message

The election is over and the losers are in post-election mortem dissecting what went wrong? They will have four years to figure it out. If they do not come to the conclusion that they had the wrong message and the wrong messengers with which to deliver it, they can look forward to the same results four years hence.

As for the messengers, a look at the votes not cast in their favor by those who knew each candidate best is an indicator of the level of esteem in which they are held by those whom they served directly. Michigan, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s family’s home turf, went for the other guy.

And then there was Massachusetts. Romney was governor there and it also went for the other guy. Obviously voters there were not impressed enough with his governorship to vote for him again, this time for president.

Then there was the other guy, young gun and Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan who not only lost his home state of Wisconsin, where he is a U.S. representative, but his hometown of Janesville.

If this is the loyalty they have earned by those who had experienced their leadership, our country is fortunate not having to undergo the same.

Nicholas Zizelis
