
Politics not behind Lions Club elections

An open letter to Dee Richards:

Generally I look forward to reading your articles, but found your Feb. 9-15 article entitled “Bayside-Whitestone Lions Club looking for new president” misrepresentative of the club and its procedures.

Although a new club, the BWLC is part of an international organization with a long history providing community service and support throughout the globe. Each member club is charged with identifying local community needs to support but in accordance with guidelines established by the New York International Lions Club of New York and Bermuda.

It is also important to note that each member of the club participants in activities as evidence by the large turnout at the Club’s monthly meetings. During the past year, the BWLC has honored policeman from the 109th and 111th precincts and established a scholarship fund for high school seniors, food drives for needy individuals and supplies for senior citizens and an upcoming tree-giving event. The club has just established a 501c charitable foundation that will enhance its abilities to support the community.

Regarding the election process, this is an annual requirement overseen by a nominating committee and board of directors of the club. To imply this is somehow politically motivated is wrong and misleading. The committee considers members in good standing and presents a slate at a monthly meeting. Once the slate is presented to the members, any member can nominate another member for consideration. The members then vote.

The BWLC is proud of what it has accomplished in a short period of time and is confident its membership and community support will grow.

I trust you will convey these facts to your readers.

Donald Frain

First Vice President

Bayside-Whitestone Lions Club
