
SJU pupils need to respect area

Years ago, when St. John’s University decided to build dormitories in an already-crowded neighborhood, many of us warned that this would result in our streets being inundated with hundreds of drunken students. That prediction has sadly come to pass many times over, with loud, disruptive and sometimes destructive behavior.

But it has never been worse than during the early hours of Sept. 7. Scores of students coming back from a local bar serving dollar beers swarmed over the 168th Street overpass and a multi-car accident ensued.

Police from the 107th Precinct were called but seemed put out at having to do their jobs. One officer shrugged and said, “If you don’t like it, move.”

My family has lived here for 34 years. My wife and I both hold multiple degrees from St. John’s. Our community deserves better consideration from St. John’s and the police.

We will not rest until we get it.

Edward J. Leahy
