
Some people blind to truth about the poor

My letters seem to have perturbed and provoked some readers into a mean-spirited frenzy of ad hominem attacks.

Some writers, in their expressions of compassion for the poor and need for a coercive beneficent government, implied that my concern for personal freedoms and liberty conjured up spirits of Somalian warlords and proponents of slavery and child labor.

In their lexicon, compassion is defined as confiscation and redistribution of other people’s money. They assuage their guilt by vilifying those who do not embrace and succumb to their enforced benevolence. This is the height of arrogance and discourtesy as well as a symptom of liberalism.

An honest, informed and dispassionate examination of the inequities and injustices cited by the writers would reveal that the government, of which they are so enamored, instigated, created, regulated and benefited from the policies and conditions they so abhor.

It would be futile to quote and reference the U.S. Constitution for obvious reasons. Rational debate is not possible in a world of the intellectually dishonest and uninformed.

Ed Konecnik
