
Gas line workers dig up human bones: NYPD

By Sarina Trangle

RICHMOND HILL — The medical examiner’s office is studying five human bones police said gas line workers dug up in Richmond Hill last week.

The Police Department said it was called to a 108th Street home across the street from PS 90 at 11:11 a.m. Oct. 7, where Hallen Construction Company employees preparing to install a gas line had uncovered what appeared to be human remains.

The digging halted as the NYPD said it established a crime scene. Five bones between approximately 6 and 8 inches were recovered, according to the NYPD.

Police said they could be up to 50 years old and the NYPD’s investigation was ongoing.

The medical examiner’s office confirmed it was investigating the bones as well.


Sarina Trangle