
It’s time for Giuliani to leave the political stage

By Benjamin M. Haber

Former New York City Mayor Rudolf Giuliani has been receiving media coverage over his statement at a fund-raiser for Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin that President Barack Obama does not love America. Not only was his remark intemperate, but false.

The record is replete with the many times the president has stated his love for America.

It is Mr. Giuliani who has difficulty with a love for America and its values as witnessed by his attempt to cut off city funding for the Brooklyn Museum because he did not approve of one of its exhibits; being anti labor (Hence his support for Gov. Scott Walker); and his inability to accept criticism.

The trouble with Mr. Giuliani is that he cannot accept the fact he is a political has-been with no political future.

“Like old soldiers who never die they just fade away,” the time has come for Mr. Giuliani to follow suit. I doubt he will be missed.

Benjamin M. Haber
